At the band meeting on 8th September 2020 protocols were discussed for the anticipated return to rehearsals when Covid-19 restrictions were lifted. However, as we all know, the anticipated return has been delayed and we are now able to play for a return to rehearsals from May 18th.
We will use the protocols established at the September meeting when rehearsals resume, and these will be adapted as necessary following government guidelines and or practicalities dictate.
The following protocols will apply.
- In order to keep social distancing (SD) and placing of chairs, members attending rehearsal are to inform the designated person prior to the rehearsal days – THIS WILL BE GLENYS AND A LIST OF MEMBERS PLANNING TO ATTEND AND WHO DO ATTEND WILL BE KEPT FOR AS LONG AS NECESSARY FOR CONTACT TRACING PURPOSES ONLY. HOW TO CONTACT GLENYS WILL BE FORWARDED TO YOU PRIOR TO MAY 17TH
- Jobs to be allocated to dedicated people for sanitisation of chairs/room/equipment – TO BE DECIDED BY COMMITTEE PRIOR TO MAY 17TH
- No refreshments
- After one hour the room should be vacated by all people for 10minutes to ventilate the room
- Members should be allocated their own stand and music folder which they keep and are responsible for including sanitising and keeping safe
- No sharing of instruments or equipment
- Every player is to bring their own clean drip cloth to rehearsal with a secure plastic bag to place it in after rehearsal to take home and sanitise/launder before next rehearsal
- Bell covers should be used. Home made in a suitable material or purchased
- Face coverings to be worn at all times except when playing. It is recommended that during periods of long rests face coverings be replaced
- The conductor should wear a face covering
- At the start of every rehearsal there should be a short safety/reminder briefing regarding SD and other necessary requirements
- Social inter-action before and after rehearsal should be kept to an absolute minimum
- W.C’s must be used by only one person at a time
- Social distancing should be observed at all times, keeping 2 meters apart when entering or leaving the room or moving within the room and during break time
- After a rehearsal ANY symptoms of Covid MUST be reported to GLENYS asap
- Members should not attend a rehearsal if they are feeling any of the known symptoms of Covid-19 or any general feeling of being unwell.
dated 05/05/2021